Ryan and Nicole Lusk

Dear Glenn, Wow! Is the word I use to describe the restumping job you recently completed on my home.

I appreciated your professional advice and work ethic before and during the job. I’m so grateful for the excellent service, cleanup and care that you and Rob took with my home during and after you completed the restumping.

I would, and already have, recommended your services to others and don’t hesitate in giving you permission to refer any prospective customers to call me for a personal recommendation on the job you completed on my home.

I wish to thank you and Rob again for your excellent workmanship and wish you every success in the future.

Jenny Sleba
Virginia. QLD.

We wish to thank you for the restumping work recently completed on our house. A very professional and thorough job was performed within a reasonable timeframe and without fuss. Upon completion, the under house area was left in a cleaner state than before work commenced. We would have no hesitation in referring Glenn’s services to others.

The restumping and levelling performed has made a drastic improvement to the look and feel of our house.



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    • We recently organised restumping at my mother’s house in Brisbane. After looking at several quotes we chose Glenn Palframan to carry out the works. I am an engineer and my... Read More Mark Edwards
    • ‘To anyone needing house restumping work done, you would be very pleased with the work see to by Glen Palframan.  I recently had six (6) stumps replaced & was satisfied... Read More Mrs. Grace
    • Hi Glenn, I’d like to thank you for the restumping work you, Rob and Matt performed on my property over the last month. I was lucky enough to be able... Read More Adam & Claire
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    • Thank you for solving and fixing the long standing problem I had with my front steps and two front stumps. My security door locks securely for the first time in... Read More Mrs. J. Loggie